Labbaik Homes
Imagine eating dinner underneath a bridge on the cold dirt because you don't have your home. Just try to feel the pain of the poor persons who don't have their own homes. Homelessness can be described as a person who lacks a fixed, adequate nighttime residence. It is impossible to know exactly how many people are homeless in Pakistan. The numbers fluctuate everyday because some find homes, some lose their homes, and most of the time the homeless are in places that aren't counted. The only thing that is known is that homelessness is increasing. A growing shortage of affordable housing has made climbing out of homelessness nearly impossible for someone who lives in extreme poverty.
We are planning to establish Nation-wide, LABBAIK HOMES, to provide services for homeless students who deserve.
Our mission:
To Improve the conditions, services and opportunities available for homeless students.
To Increase collaboration and effectiveness of service delivery.
Our Vision:
Poverty does not only exist in Pakistan, but also exists all around the world. It may appear in a different aspect in your eyes, but it is still considered poverty. Poverty does not only affect the elderly, unemployed, homeless, but in reality it impacts a lot of different people from all walks of life.
Poverty is the condition of insufficient resources and lacking fulfillment of fundamental human needs such as, adequate nutrition, clean water, clothing, and shelter and health services.
Labbaik has decided to expand this facility and reach out to more deserving children, students, in Pakistan by providing them a complete residential and educational complex fully equipped with modern facilities.
Labbaik Homes will Inshallah be consisted of:
Residential & Educational Facilities:
1. Residence for Students (10 Flats)
2. Labbaik School Complex for Boys & Girls with Computer & Science Labs
3. Labbaik Training Institutes for Girls
4. Labbaik Old –House (10 Houses)
5. Labbaik Recreation Center (Indoor / Outdoor sports, Dinning Hall, TVL & meeting Rooms)
6. Women Developments – Girls Child Education for female population.
7. Labbaik Medical Center
8. Labbaik Hostels
9. Admin Block
10. Mosque / Prayer Hall